How Can I Get Help Paying My Rent?

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, the United States already had an affordable housing crisis. The National Low Income Housing Coalition estimates there is a shortage of 7 million units for extremely low-income families.
“People were already rent-burdened before the pandemic, but the problem has skyrocketed,” says Mariel Block, a staff attorney at the National Housing Law Project.
Those in need of emergency rental assistance do have some limited options. If you’re worried about making next month’s rent, here’s what you need to know.
Where to get help
Federal and state assistance for renters
State and local programs are set to give out funds from the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program to those who are having difficulty paying their rent, utilities, and other housing costs. Rental assistance may also cover late fees, internet, and other rent-related fees, such as security deposits.
Check your eligibility for emergency rent assistance
In order to qualify for emergency rental assistance, a renter’s financial and housing situation are taken into account.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau states that all three of the following statements be correct to determine a renter’s eligibility:
- At least one member of your household has: qualified for unemployment or should qualify, lost income, owed large expenses, or had other financial hardships.
- Your household income is below a certain level, depending on your location.
- At least one person in your household is facing housing instability, meaning they are in danger of homelessness or would be unable to find stable housing.
You can apply for emergency rental assistance through your local community. Search for rental assistance programs in your community here.
8 Nonprofit organizations to help you cover rent
United Way Worldwide can help connect those in need to local organizations through The service is free, confidential, and available 24/7. Those interested can text, call, or chat to speak with a specialist to find resources specific to your location for essentials such as housing, food, and health care.
Catholic Charities
To find housing assistance and more, search for your local chapter.
Community Action Agencies
This directory of private or public nonprofit organizations can help provide emergency assistance and supply you with funds to cover rent, utilities, and food.
This list of organizations near you can provide legal aid and work to prevent homelessness and eviction.
National Low Income Housing Coalition
Find state and local rental assistance through this regularly updated emergency rental assistance program directory. The NLIHC also provides updated information about programs through this spreadsheet.
Rent Assistance
Search through an index of government and housing authorities, nonprofit and private agencies, and faith-based organizations for options to help you pay for rent.
The Salvation Army
The organization can provide financial assistance for workers who have lost their jobs for rent, mortgages, utility bills, and more.
What should I do if I’m behind on rent?
Step No. 1: Review your lease
Your lease should provide information about your rights if you’re unable to pay your rent. It should give you details about your landlord’s options for collecting rent, the terms for serving you an eviction notice, and if there’s a grace period for collecting rent.
Step No. 2: Explain the situation to your landlord
If you find yourself unable to make your rent payments because of financial hardship, reach out to your landlord or leasing agency. Communicating with your landlord can help both parties come up with a plan to help you catch up on rent payments.
Some property owners may be willing to give you an extension on your rent, reduce the money you owe, or put your rent on pause for a period of time until you’re back on your feet. You can also ask to spread out your payments or pay part of what you owe for the time being.
“Some people will find success with that informal negotiation and others won’t, unfortunately,” Mariel Block says.
Landlords are not required to modify the terms of your lease if you’re unable to pay your rent. If your landlord is willing to accept less rent or show other leniencies, make sure the agreement is put in writing.
Step No. 3: Seek legal help and know your rights as a renter
The legal process for eviction for nonpayment of rent differs from state to state (and city to city). Generally, a landlord is required to provide notice or a court judgment in order to evict a tenant for not paying rent. Even if you can’t pay your rent, your landlord cannot lock you out, shut off utilities, or force you out. It’s considered tenant harassment for a landlord to use intimidation or threaten to call immigration enforcement or incite violence. Evictions need to be filed in court.
“Without going through the legal eviction process and obtaining a court order for eviction, a landlord can’t lock you out of your housing or force you to leave,” Block says. “Tenants have due process rights.”
If your landlord is unwilling to show leniency for past due rent and has plans to evict you, reach out to a local legal aid or appropriate social services organization that can help you understand your rights as a tenant in addition to your options. Certain organizations will have direct lines of referral with other agencies, and depending on where you live, they can help you fill out the applications for assistance, provide advice, and also provide representation if you’re being evicted, Block says.
Low-income Americans who qualify can find a legal aid organization in their area using The Legal Service Corporation. You can also find local legal resources for rental assistance through
“Being proactive and getting advice early is a good idea so they can take every possible step to preserve their tenancy,” Block says.
When researching your rights, note that tenants’ rights and laws vary by state and local governments. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has a state-by-state list of your rights and how to find legal assistance if you believe your rights have been violated.
Landlord-tenant law is usually local.
Where else can I get help paying my rent?
Many states, cities, and counties have enacted their own policies to prevent a housing crisis. Some local governments have placed moratoriums on evictions, halted court eviction hearings, and suspended late rent fees. Check with your local housing authorities to find out about additional protections and if these moratoriums have expired.
You may qualify for reduced rent if you live in a federally subsidized housing unit and have also taken a cut in your income. Reach out to your housing authority to find out more about income recertification and to see if you qualify for a financial hardship exemption.
The long-term impact of eviction
In eviction court, tenants can lose their homes and potentially have it marked on their credit report for seven years if their delinquent account goes to collections. An eviction on your record can also make it harder to rent a new home. Landlords don’t like renting to people with evictions on their records, The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities says.
“Evictions are a catastrophic event for any household in or out of a pandemic,” Block says. “It puts tenants at an increased risk of being homeless, and can have longer-term adverse impacts on tenants’ health, economic security, and housing stability.”
Hopefully, the resources in this article can help to provide some guidance and prevent this type of scenario for those who are struggling to make rent due to a loss of household income.
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